1. People will promise to never leave you, they will. It's okay to be sad when they do.
2. Don't be afraid to be alone. Take yourself to watch a movie, go for a walk by yourself, re-read your favorite book! Be alone, and be okay with it! Enjoy it!
3. Boys will flirt with you for a while and then ignore you. Then, they will flirt with you some more. It will be confusing and you have every right to stop putting up with it!
4. You have to accept who you are, flaws and all, before you can be part of your perfect love story with a fairytale ending! Find happiness in your individuality before you search for it in another person!
5. Pay attention to what people say when they are angry. When you make up and they tell you they didn't mean any of it, know they did. Also, know that they wish they didn't. Forgive them.
6. Never pretend to be someone you're not. If you don't like big parties or classic novels, don't act like you do! If you don't like skirts and dresses or girly shoes, don't wear them to please someone else!
7. People will be mean to you, they will spread lies, call you names, tell your secrets and talk about you behind your back. Eventually, you will realize that's petty and stupid and not worth your time. You'll be right! Move on with your life.
8. Your friends will not always be there for you. When you really need to talk, they will sometimes not want to hear it. That's okay. Take a deep breath and remember all the times you felt the same way. Exhale.
9. You can't win the war if your mind is always starting the fight. You have to learn to love yourself. you have got to see that you're worth so much more than those dark thoughts consuming your mind. You can only get through your struggles if you change the way you perceive yourself. Start to believe in yourself!
10. Accept that you will sometimes be wrong! Don't be too proud to admit when you are!
11. Never miss an opportunity to tell someone that you appreciate them. Whether it's an "I love you" or just a simple "Thank you for being my friend"! Tell them how you feel. It might be terrifying in some cases and gratifying in others. It will create and ruin relationships. But speak your mind, even if your voice shakes because your thoughts may never otherwise be heard. It's a terrible feeling to lose someone important for you and not remember the last time you told them how much you cared!
12. Keep a journal! This way you can remember the good and the not so good and that's important.
13. If you have a dream, go after it! Leave behind those who called you crazy and those who said you couldn't do it and PROVE. THEM. WRONG! "She believed she could so she did"
14. There will always be someone prettier, smarter, funnier or more popular than you. The beauty of it is that it isn't a competition. You're unique!
15. There are people in your life who care and there are people in your life who will listen. Don't be afraid to open up and ask for help if you're struggling and need guidance! You don't always need to be your own hero, it's okay to let people in!
16. Try new things. Try a new flavor, try a new kind of juice, switch up the way you dress. You never know what you might end up loving. Life can get boring. Mix it up a bit!
17. If your mom tells you something believe her because she's probably right! And keep in mind that all she wants is to see you happy, you mean everything to her.
18. It's okay not to have your life figured out by 18, no one has it all together. And if they do... they are probably lying.
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